Annual School Improvement Plan

The School Leadership Team, in consultation with the school staff, School Advisory Council and P&F, have established and are driving a strong improvement agenda for the school, grounded in evidence from research and practice and expressed in terms of improvements in measurable student outcomes. Explicit and clear school-wide targets for improvement have been set and communicated to parents and families, teachers and students, with accompanying timelines.

St Mary’s School and the wider community are united, committed to and explicit about our core objective:

To improve learning outcomes for all students in our school

The school has made an effort to understand current student achievement levels, and how achievement levels have changed over time and use this data to set clear and explicit goals. Our progress towards these targets are monitored and initiatives and programs are systematically evaluated for their effectiveness in producing desired improvements in student learning and performance. St Mary’s School strives for continual improvement in all areas of our school. The Annual School Improvement Plan is organised around four key elements established by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) – Learning, Engagement, Accountability and Discipleship (LEAD). 2025 School Improvement Plan

  Download Annual School Improvement Plan 2025

St Mary’s School Compliance Data

System and Australian Government accountability regulations require that each school reports to its community on school performance in a number of key areas.

2017 Compliance Data

2016 Compliance Data

2015 Compliance Data