At St Mary’s Primary School, we focus on providing our students with the skills and knowledge required to be successful learners in the 21st Century. Our school takes great pride in the wide variety of technology available to students in all areas of the school.
The Technologies Learning Area is taught as a specialist area at St Mary’s. It provides students with opportunities to become actively involved in dealing with a changing world and meeting the needs of individuals and groups in society. To ensure we are promoting and encouraging digital literacy, the school has a wide-range of robotics resources across the school. These resources allow our students to experience computer programming and coding in every year level at St Mary’s.
I pads and Mac books are used to promote student engagement, motivation and excellence.
Students are encouraged to use ICT to develop their skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and communication. The overriding emphasis is on using technology appropriately to support engagement with learning so that a life-long enthusiasm and love of learning can be engendered.