Parents & Friends Association

The Parents’ and Friends’ Association helps to foster community interest in education, promote closer liaison between the school and community and assist with fund raising for school amenities. Meetings are held twice per term and are advertised in the school newsletter. All are welcome to attend, both to form new friendships and help share the work load. New members are elected at the Annual School Community Meeting to fill vacancies which may exist.

Our P&F Meetings are on Mondays commencing at 7.30pm in the school library.

The P&F Committee consists of the Executive and Class representatives from each year level.

2025 P&F Committee
PresidentOlivia Gray
Vice PresidentGeorgia Brown
TreasurerWarren Liebenberg
SecretaryHannah Herbert
Class Reps
Pre KindyCaitlin Crees
KindyMegan Anderson
Pre PrimaryKatie Cullinan
Year OneJess Rode
Year Two / ThreeSophie Alberti & Natasha Giles
Year Four / FiveTessa Crook
Year Five / SixDaina Sutherland